The ceiling work is boomar'ang-ular' |
Hey...look at that. I can make my own words!
When English simply does not have the correct one...
We do love to come up with our own words for new things. A decade ago, nobody knew what a selfie was - and yet now it's in the dictionary. This year's 'word of the year' (you can't make stuff this bizarre up!) is Vape.
I vape, so I know how important that word has become to me - and the millions of others who have found these neat little gizmos. But, yea...with all the freaking out being done about it, the word of the year is a distinction I'd rather not have had, as it will undoubtedly throw more fuel on the fire.
But no politics here!!! I pwomiced!
Yet another blog I've become familiar with is the Daily Post.
On their menu is a wonderful buffet of ideas fit for the Queen Muse - they have a weekly challenge, a daily prompt, and a weekly photo challenge. They also allow the community to submit their inspirations and daily prompts of their own.
Most of these challenges allow the bloggers to ping-back to the Daily Post, instead of leaving a comment on their site, which should, through the magic of 'sharing,' bring views to the individual blogs.
Inspiration, AND a space to show off the blog? Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabulous!
A little too excited? Sorry...
Although I'm enjoying my recent obsession with Flash Fiction - I do kind of hunger to sink my teeth into a good visual again...and this week's Photo Challenge at the Daily was a thick, juicy steak with plenty of room for various toppings and/or side dishes.
Not to put too fine a point on it, though this week, we
challenge you to show us what “angular” means to you.
A single words packs such an inspirational punch...and, as it happens, I do have some rather angular shots...including this one - captured at the Eagles Ballroom in Milwaukee just this last weekend.